Meet The Team

Here you can find the District Commissioner (DC) and Officers of the Groups and Units. To send an email message just click on the photo and complete the form that follows.

Thank you


Russell Brooks
District Commissioner
Elaine Brind ADC
Assistant District Commissioner Beavers
Andrew Dadswell
Assistant District Commissioner Cubs
Liz Jack
Assistant District Commissioner Scouts
Richard Bird
District Explorer Scout Commissioner
Mike Grimwade-Mann
District Youth Commissioner
Ewan Murray
Gang Show Producer
Nicky Lewis
10th Harpenden Group Scout Leader
Alison Totty
10th Harpenden Deputy GSL
Stuart Jack
12th Harpenden GSL
Alan Grace
1st Harpenden GSL
Kate James
1st Kimpton GSL
Karen Oxley
1st Wheathampstead GSL
2nd Waiting List
2nd Harpenden GSL
Elaine Brind
4th Harpenden GSL
Nick Corran
9th Harpenden GSL
Jeremy Finch
3rds GSL
5th Waiting
Group Chair
Neil Lilies
Jo Duncombe
Ian Rodger
Matt Wood

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Harpenden and Wheathampstead District Scouts

District Commissioner, 65 Station Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 4XF

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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